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2013-04-11 10:18:09 来源:甘肃中专联盟网 浏览:2074

  Part A


  You are supposed to write for the Postgraduates’ Association a notice to recruit volunteers for an international conference on globalization. The notice should include the basic qualifications for applicants and other information which you think is relevant.

  You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the notice. Use “Postgraduates’ Association” instead. (10 points)

  分 析

  本题要求考生根据所提供的情景写一个 100词左右的通知。情景为: 一所大学的研究生会要招聘志愿者, 去帮助组织一个关于全球化的国际会议。考生需要考虑通知的内容、招聘志愿者的条件等等。

  写这样一个通知要求考生掌握撰写英文通知的格式和写作方法, 同时也需要根据情景和事件的性质确定通知的具体内容和口吻。通常来讲, 这样的通知应该包括: 1)说明会议的性质和志愿者工作的内容; 2)说明对志愿者能力的具体要求、申请书的要素, 以及申请截止时间和投递地址等。下面这篇范文供考生参考。

  Volunteers for International Conference

  The Postgraduates’ Association invites applications from students who are willing to be volunteers for an international conference on globalization. A group of ten volunteers will be recruited to provide secretarial support for the conference organization. They are required to work an average of 8 hours per week from 10 June to 10 August 2010. Candidates should be second-year graduate students of this university and should speak fairly good English, preferably with TEM-4 certificate. Applications, containing CVs of the applicants, should be sent to Postgraduates’ Association, 15 University Avenue, before 1 May 2010.

  Postgraduates’ Association

  9 Jan. 2010



Part B


  Write an essay of 160 ~ 200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should first describe the drawing, then interpret its meaning, and give your comment on it.

  You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

  分 析

  本题要求考生根据所提供的图片写一篇 160 ~ 200词的文章。考生的文章必须包括三个方面: (1)描写图片; (2)解释其含义; (3)对问题加以评论。

  在作文的第一部分 ,考生应该描写图片并解释其意义。如图所示, 一个老人有三个儿子和一个女儿。老人想在他们其中一家养老, 但是没有一个愿意接纳他。他们像足球守门员一样,守住自己的家门, 不让老人进去。四个子女将老人踢来踢去, 都不愿意尽自己的义务。

  在作文的第二部分, 考生应该指出老年人的问题是一个社会问题。在生活中, 子女不赡养老人的事情时有发生, 这些不肖子女应该受到社会的谴责。在作文的第三部分, 考生应该指出解决这个问题的一些办法: 如加强宣传、提高意识、立法保护和政府干预等。下面这篇范文仅供参考。

  In the picture, we can see an old man in the middle of a football ground. His three sons and a daughter are like goalkeepers who try to prevent him from entering their gates. They are taking their father as a football and kicking him around just like in a football match.

  But this is not a football match. It happens in real life. It reveals a serious social problem: some people are not looking after their aged parents. In real life, we sometimes hear reports about such unfilial children. They are rich enough and have the ability to provide for their parents, but they do not want to do so. If they have brothers or sisters, they try to push the responsibility onto them. When all the brothers and sisters behave like this, then their old parents are left uncared for and unlooked after.

  Unfilial children should be condemned. They forget that they will become old one day and might come to the same end. Their children will follow their example and abandon them when they are old and unable to look after themselves. Also by abandoning their responsibilities, they create problems for the government, for the society and for all of us. Taxpayers’ money will be used to provide for these abandoned old people.

  Therefore, we should improve education on traditional Chinese morality and teach the virtue of respecting the elderly people. Laws should be made to insure that the old people’s children do their duty. The society should mobilize its resources to support old people when they are abandoned by their children. I am sure that with all our efforts the old people in our country will enjoy their sunset age and have a happy old life.



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