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2013-04-11 10:19:25 来源:甘肃中专联盟网 浏览:2180

Section Ⅰ  Use of English


  Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

  In certain countries of the world, the king or queen is still considered to be a demigod. The UK is not one of those countries. It’s true that  1  the 17th century, the British king or queen was believed to rule  2  “divine right”, which was the idea that God  3  the king or queen to rule and that he or she was  4  above the law. The idea that the monarch was above the law  5  the English Civil War,   6  which King Charles the First was imprisoned and then  7  in 1649.

   8  it comes to politics, the Queen today represents a  9  voice that puts the concerns of the country before the  10  of any individual political party. Her Majesty therefore represents the country at particular times of celebration and sadness  11 . Finally, the Windsor royal family  12  a great deal of their time travelling up and down the country in support of different  13  and regional projects.

   14  the work the royal family does for the UK, there are British people called “ anti-monarchists” who do not believe  15  should be a royal family. Sometimes, the press and media criticize the royal family as well,  16  the UK is a democracy and freedom of speech is allowed as long as it does not  17  violence. One criticism is that the British people should not have to pay for the royal family through their taxes,  18  during a credit crunch. 19  is that Buckingham Palace should be open to the public more often, in order to pay for the building  20  that are necessary.


  1. [A] up until    [B] ever since    [C] as far as    [D] even though

  2. [A] over          [B] for            [C] by            [D] on

  3. [A] required       [B] chose          [C] commanded    [D] recruited

  4. [A] however       [B] still           [C] yet            [D] therefore

  5. [A] faded out      [B] decreased by    [C] disappeared in   [D] ended with

  6. [A] in            [B] for            [C] by             [D] with

  7. [A] disqualified    [B] disarmed       [C] beheaded        [D] bedeviled

  8. [A] Before        [B] When          [C] After           [D] Since

  9. [A] preferential     [B] neutral         [C] hoarse         [D] prejudiced

  10. [A] privileges     [B] advantages      [C] powers        [D] interests

  11. [A] as well       [B] so far           [C] by now        [D] no less

  12. [A] serve        [B] spend           [C] exhaust         [D] reverse

  13. [A] revenues     [B] sacrifices        [C] charities        [D] offerings

  14. [A] Rather than   [B] Except          [C] Despite         [D] But for

  15. [A] there        [B] where           [C] that             [D] what

  16. [A] provided     [B] whereas         [C] while            [D] since

  17. [A] practice      [B] release          [C] encourage        [D] enhance

  18. [A] particularly   [B] specifically       [C] specially         [D] exactly

  19. [A] Each        [B] Another          [C] Much           [D] None

  20. [A] loans        [B] mortgages        [C] purchases        [D] repairs

Section Ⅰ  Use of English (10 points)

  1.A   2.C  3.B  4.D  5.D

  6.A   7.C  8.B  9.B 10.D

  11.A  12.B 13.C 14.C 15.A

  16.D  17.C 18.A 19.B 20.D

Section Ⅲ  Writing

  Part A

  51. Directions:

  You have an appointment with Zhang Ping at 3∶00 p.m., but you cannot see him because of an urgent matter. Leave a note to:

  1) apologize for this,

  2) explain your special reasons, and

  3) arrange another appointment.

  You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the note. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address. (10 points)

Section Ⅲ  Writing (30 points)

  Part A

  51. Model Composition:

  Zhang Ping,

  When you see this note, which I put on my dormitory door, you will know that I am notable to see you as arranged at 3: 00 p. m.

  I am sorry about this broken appointment, but I have received a phone call from my family saying that my best middle-school friend Chen Ning has had an accident and is now in hospital.

  I do not know how serious the accident is, or how seriously he is wounded, or whether his life is in danger. Anyway I am very concerned and I cannot wait to go to the hospital to see him and offer whatever help I can to him.

  Please forgive me. And can I see you on Friday afternoon at the same time and the same place?

Li Ming



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